Tagged in EVs

carbon-neutral-shipping (1)


Shippers & Carriers – Carbon Neutral Shipping no longer a choice 

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Prateek Shetty

Sep 20, 2023

“We have learned that economic growth and environmental protection can and should go hand in hand.” Christopher Dodd, Former US Senator As the economy grows, it’s inevitable that the environment may be harmed in some ways. CO2 levels rise due to large volumes of e-commernce deliveries being transported and other industrial developments, causing long-term environmental […]

Supply chain sustainability


Walmart-owned Flipkart Pledges 100% Transition to Evs by 2030

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Team Locus

Sep 4, 2020

Walmart-owned Flipkart pledges 100% transition to EVs by 2030 by partnering with Climate Group's global electric mobility initiative, EV100.